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Add Amazon Web Services (AWS) Credential

In order to allow Devopness to manage AWS resources on your behalf, IAM user security credentials have to be provided.

If you don't have access to an AWS account, you can create an account for free following the cloud provider specific guide AWS Free Tier

  1. Log in to AWS console and access AWS IAM
  2. In the navigation pane on the left side, choose Users and then choose Add users
  3. Type the user name for the new user

    Tip: you might want to name the user as devopness to make it easier to track its activities

  4. Click Next: Permissions
  5. In the Set Permissions step click Attach policies directly
  6. Search and select the policies AmazonEC2FullAccess and IAMReadOnlyAccess
  7. Follow the prompts then click Create user
  8. In the Users list, click the username link of the user you've just created
  9. Navigate to the Security credentials tab
  10. In this page, scroll down to the Access keys section and click Create access key
  11. Choose Other and click Next
  12. Give the key a description (Optional) and click 'Next'
  13. Click Create access key
  14. Copy the values of Access key ID and Secret access key
  15. To add the copied credentials to Devopness see Add a Credential