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Add team membership

Set team memberships to give team members permissions to access and manage an environment and its resources based on the assigned role.

  1. On Devopness upper-left corner, click the Devopness logo to see a list of existing projects
  2. Select a Project
  3. Find the Environments card
  4. Click View in the Environments card to see a list of existing Environments
  5. Find the Environment you want to add a team and click View
  6. On the upper-right corner of the Environment resources list, click TEAM MEMBERSHIPS
  7. On the upper-right corner of the Team memberships list, click ADD TEAM MEMBERSHIP
  8. Select a Team
  9. Assign a Role to the team to grant team members permissions on the environment
  10. Click CONFIRM
    • In the Team membership list, the recently created Team membership can be seen