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Add a Network

Add a network to your environment when you need to define custom network topology. Resources (such as Servers and Applications) deployed to different networks, will be completely isolated from each other.

  1. On Devopness, navigate to a project then select an environment
  2. Find the Networks card
  3. Click View in the Networks card to see a list of existing Networks
  4. On the upper-right corner of the list click ADD NETWORK
  5. Select a Cloud Provider
  6. Select a Credential

    If no credential is listed or you want to use a different one, click Create a new credential and follow the guide Add a Credential

  7. Follow the prompts then click CONFIRM
  8. Wait for the network:provision action to be completed
    • If you want to add a server to the Network, it is required to first follow the guide Add a Subnet

Required Permissions

NOTE: To complete the steps in this post, the user needs to have the following permissions in the environment:

Resource TypePermission

For instructions on how to grant user permissions in an environment, see Add team to an Environment