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Add a Pipeline

By adding a pipeline to your environment's resources, you can automate their deployment by using customized pipeline steps.

  1. On Devopness, navigate to a project then select an environment
  2. Find the Applications card
  3. Click View in the Applications card to see a list of existing Applications
  4. In the list of applications find the application where you want to add a pipeline and click the NAME of the application
  5. Click the Pipelines tab
  6. On the upper-right corner of the pipelines tab click MANAGE
  7. Provide a name to the Pipeline being added. Example: "CI Pipeline"
  8. Select an Operation

    Don't use the Custom operation, it is not fully supported yet

  9. Provide a value for the Max parallel actions field
  10. Click CONFIRM

    A new deployment is required for your changes to take effect.

Required Permissions

NOTE: To complete the steps in this post, the user needs to have the following permissions in the environment:

Resource TypePermission

For instructions on how to grant user permissions in an environment, see Add team to an Environment