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Link a server to an application

Link a server to an application to select which servers an application can be deployed.


Here server and application were used as examples of resource types. However, the steps to link two resources are the same for any environment's resources that can be linked. Clicking the LINK TO dropdown will list all available options of resource types to be linked to the selected resource.

  1. On Devopness, navigate to a project then select an environment
  2. Find the Applications card
  3. Click View in the Applications card to see a list of existing Applications
  4. In the list of applications, find the application you want to link to a server and click the NAME of the application
  5. Click the Servers tab
  6. On the upper-right corner of the servers tab click LINK SERVER
  7. Follow the prompts then click CONFIRM
  8. In the Servers list, the recently linked server can be seen