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Deploy Application using an Incoming Hook

As project users base grow, there's a need to rely more on processes and automation; Devopness helps by providing, among other tools, customizable CI/CD pipelines, empowering our users to automate common and repetitive tasks to improve code quality and their code review processes. Create an incoming webhook to trigger an application deploy programmatically.

Before creating an incoming webhook to trigger an application:deploy, we need the ID of a pipeline that runs the deploy operation for an application. The ID (<pipeline_id>) will be used as input parameter in the requests to be sent to Devopness API.

Steps to find the <pipeline_id> of an application:deploy pipeline
  1. On Devopness, navigate to a project then select an environment
  2. Find the Applications card
  3. Click View in the Applications card to see a list of existing Applications
  4. In the list of applications, find the application with the pipeline you want to manage and click the NAME of the application
  5. Click the Pipelines tab
  6. In the list of pipelines, find the pipeline you want to manage and click the NAME of the pipeline

    If you haven't created a pipeline yet, follow the Add a Pipeline guide

  7. Copy the <pipeline_id> from the pipeline details URL, considering the following URL format:<project_id>/environments/<environment_id>/applications/<application_id>/pipelines/<pipeline_id>

Once you have your <pipeline_id>, please follow the instructions below to add an incoming webhook to your application that triggers the deploy pipeline:

  1. Follow the steps on Create an Incoming Webhook guide
  2. Once your web hook is created, copy the hook's unique URL (url field)
  3. Take note of the hook's secret signature key (secret field)

    If the hook was created without a secret (non recommended), you can skip this step

  4. Add your webhook to the source provider where each application's source code is hosted, by following the source provider's instructions on the links below:
  5. Trigger the webhook, using the configured source provider event trigger options
  6. On the chosen Devopness environment, click View in the Applications card to see a list of existing Applications
  7. In the list of applications, find the application you triggered the pipeline and click the NAME of the application
  8. On the upper-right corner click DEPLOYMENTS
  9. Click LOGS on the action triggered by incoming hook

    In START TIME column, the name of the subject, user or incoming hook, that triggered the action will be visible, e.g: run pipeline 'deploy' on application 'website' using main branch