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Delete a Server provisioned by Devopness

Learn how to delete a server provisioned by Devopness on a cloud provider


This action will delete all server data on the cloud provider

  1. On Devopness, navigate to a project then select an environment
  2. Find the Servers card
  3. Click the View in the Servers card, to see a list of existing Servers
  4. In the list of servers, find the server you want to delete and click the NAME of the server
  5. On the upper-right corner of the server details view, click REMOVE
  6. Follow the prompts then click REMOVE
  7. Wait for the server:remove action to be completed

    If this action fails, maybe your server status is different from "stopped", if this is the case follow the guide Stop a Server

  8. Follow the guide Get a Server’s Status

    The server status will be "deleted"

Required Permissions

NOTE: To complete the steps in this post, the user needs to have the following permissions in the environment:

Resource TypePermission

For instructions on how to grant user permissions in an environment, see Add team to an Environment