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Connect to your servers using SSH

Sometimes you and your team members need to connect to your servers to run commands from the terminal. Connect via SSH to ensure your servers only executes commands by authorized SSH keys.

  1. On Devopness, copy the IP Address of the server you want to connect

    Follow the Find your Server IP Address guide

  2. On your local machine, in a terminal window, use the ssh command to connect to the server
    ssh devopness@<server IP address copied in previous steps>

    This should give you shell access to your remote server hosted at the IP address, logged in as user devopness If you receive a Connection refused error, please follow the Add an SSH key guide

  3. Test your SSH connection running simple commands on your server, e.g: whoami or ls
  4. When you are finished with your remote server terminal usage, run the exit command to close the SSH connection.