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Add a Variable

Variables are key/value pairs accessible by Pipeline Step commands. Use environment Variables to store configuration data used by commands in your Pipeline steps (such as compiler flags, environment specific configuration, credentials and secrets).


If a resource requires multiple Variables to be written to a custom file (e.g. an Application .env file), we recommend storing them using 'Configuration Files' instead of multiple variables.

  1. On Devopness, navigate to a project then select an environment
  2. Find the Applications card
  3. Click View in the Applications card to see a list of existing Applications
  4. In the list of applications, find the application to which you want to add a variable and click the NAME of the application
  5. Click the VARIABLES tab
  6. On the right corner of the variables tab click ADD VARIABLE
  7. Follow the instructions in the add variable step form then click CONFIRM

    A new deployment is required for your changes to take effect.

Required Permissions

NOTE: To complete the steps in this post, the user needs to have the following permissions in the environment:

Resource TypePermission

For instructions on how to grant user permissions in an environment, see Add team to an Environment